Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Coupons - What To Do

Freshly sorted coupons ready to be filed away (from the last 2 weeks because I was lazy last Sunday and didn't cut OR sort coupons!) I sort them into piles that work for me and file them away in a box. There is no right or wrong way to organize coupons, it's whatever works for you! My philosophy is but out every coupon that you come across, even if you don't need the product or use it, because you never know when you will come across a sale and score it for free. If you can grab a product for free and don't use it then you are always able to donate it to someone who does or a shelter or church. This is a great way to help out people who might be less fortunate and also feel accomplished for scoring free merchandise. My coupon collection now weighs 2.3 lbs and growing. This might seem a little overwhelming but start small, I did and now I average saving around $20-30 a week at the grocery store buying products I need and use, and also have my trips where I am able to score very cheap or free products making my total weekly savings around $150+ from retail prices. You got to start somewhere and we are just the people to help you start saving. Every bit counts!

 While I'm sorting it's also important to pull out the expired ones so you don't get confused while you're shopping! Here are my expired coupons ready to be shipped out this month:

Did you know that overseas military members can use expired coupons up to six months past their expiration dates? Military families stationed overseas are often living on one income, and money can be scarce. Let’s support our military by showing them some coupon love!

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